신세계프라퍼티가 세상에 없던 미래형 복합 라이프스타일 센터 ‘그랜드 스타필드 광주’ 조성을 본격화한다.
신세계프라퍼티는 22일 광주광역시도시공사와 ‘어등산관광단지 부지 개발 공동 추진’ 사업 협약을 맺고, 신속하고 성공적인 사업 추진을 위해 상호 협력하기로 뜻을 모았다고 밝혔다. 협약에는 구체적인 사업내역과 일정 및 협약이행보증금 등이 담겼다. 광주광역시도시공사는 관광단지 조성 사업 행정절차 이행과 토지 분양을 약속하고, 신세계프라퍼티는 유원지 부지를 호남권의 대표 관광거점으로 개발하기 위한 사업계획 수립 및 조성에 나선다.
‘그랜드 스타필드 광주’는 신세계프라퍼티가 광주광역시 어등산 부지 417,531㎡(약 12.6만평)에 추진하는 관광단지 유원지 조성 사업이다. 신세계프라퍼티는 스타필드 개발·운영 노하우와 역량을 집약해 ‘2박 3일 스테이케이션’이 가능한 체류형 복합공간을 선보인다는 방침이다. 전 세대를 아우르는 시설 및 콘텐츠로 색다른 경험과 즐거움을 선사하며 대한민국을 대표하는 관광·휴양·문화 거점으로 자리매김한다는 포부다.
신세계프라퍼티는 협약에 따라 2030년 ‘그랜드 스타필드 광주’ 1차 오픈, 2033년 최종 오픈을 목표로 공사 계획을 3단계로 구조화해 순차 추진한다. 특히 공공성이 높은 휴양·문화·운동·오락시설을 우선적으로 스타필드와 함께 완료해 지역사회에 기여할 계획이다.
먼저, 2025년 하반기에 부지 관리를 비롯한 사전 준비를 진행, 2027년 1·2단계 시설에 대한 착공을 개시한다.
기반시설을 비롯해 관광휴양오락시설지구 내 야생화 정원 ‘보타닉가든’, 어린이 특화 도서관인 ‘별꿈도서관’, 첨단 기술을 접목한 농장 ‘스마트팜’ 등을 1단계로, ‘스타필드’와 ‘콘도’, 자동차 체험 및 교통안전 교육 공간 ‘드라이빙스쿨’ 등은 2단계로 계획했다. 또한 당초 제출한 사업계획 상의 3단계에 계획된 ‘골프레인지’, ‘글래스오디오룸’ 등을 2단계에 반영해 2030년에 기존의 1·2단계 시설과 함께 완료할 예정이다.
3단계 시설은 수익시설인 ‘레지던스’와 부대시설을 중심으로 개발해 2033년 준공을 목표로 한다.
총 투자비는 2033년까지 1조 3,403억 원으로, 신세계프라퍼티는 협약이행보증금으로 총사업비 중 토지·상가 비용을 제외한 금액의 10%인 635억 원을 단계별 착공 전 광주도시공사에 납부한다.
토지매매가격은 광주도시공사가 감정평가에서 제시한 856억 원을 웃도는 860억 원으로 최종 산정했다. 협약일로부터 15일 이내에 토지 공급 계약을 체결하고, 계약금 10%를 납부할 예정이다.
이와 함께, 신세계프라퍼티는 원활한 사업 진행과 안정적인 지역 세수 확대에 기여하기 위해 협약 후 90일 이내에 스타필드 광주 현지 법인을 설립하기로 했다.
또한, 지역사회 일원으로서 지역민의 삶의 질 향상과 동반성장을 위한 활동에도 적극 나설 것을 약속했다. 특히, 어린이 특화 도서와 콘텐츠를 선보일 ‘별꿈도서관’을 기부채납해 지역민의 문화생활을 지원한다. 이 밖에도 지역 내 주요 상권 및 관광 인프라와 연계한 관광코스 개발, 지역 상권 활성화를 위한 소상공인 판로 지원 및 상권 환경 개선 등 지속가능한 상생방안을 적극적으로 도모할 예정이다.
신세계프라퍼티 임영록 사장은 “2030년 광주에 선보일 복합 라이프스타일 센터 ‘그랜드 스티필드 광주’ 추진에 탄력을 얻은 만큼 착실하게 준비해 광주시민의 오랜 염원과 기대에 부응할 것”이라며 “연간 3천만 명 이상이 방문하는 명실상부한 국가대표 랜드마크로 자리매김해 지역 발전에 이바지하겠다”고 밝혔다.
This “Policy on the Handling of Personal Information” concerns the protection measures taken by the Company to protect the personal information of the customers using Starfield, Starfield City, and The Shops at Centerfield operated by the subsidiaries (“Company”) of Shinsegae Property including Shinsegae Property Inc. or Starfield Hanam Inc. The company values its customer’s personal information most of all and always puts all-out efforts to protect it safely.
The Company complies with the relevant laws including PERSONAL INFORMATION PROTECTION ACT and the ACT ON THE PROMOTION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK UTILIZATION AND INFORMATION PROTECTION, ETC. and has established and released the Policy on the Handling of Personal Information on its website accessible by its customers. Since the Policy on the Handling of Personal Information may be amended due to changes in governmental law and policy or in the corporate policy, it is recommended for its customers to frequently visit the Notice on the website.
The Company collects the following personal information from the customers for the provision of services.
Item | Collected Item | Purpose of Usage | Storage Period | |
Member(membership) management | Required | Name, date of birth, gender, email address, mobile phone number, permanent address, point card number, connected information (CI) | Identity the verification and member management pursuant to the use of the membership service and facilities, the issuance and the management of Shinsegae Point, the earning and use of card points, the calculation of all points from its affiliated franchises | Until the withdrawal of membership or the duration of the legally required storage period |
Name, mobile phone number, permanent address, email address | Secure a seamless communication channel for the notification and consultation on the use of its service, the handling of customer complaints, etc. | |||
Record of using the service, IP address, access log, cookie, mobile devices, payment | Verify the details in using the service and follow the information management obligation pursuant to the relevant laws. | |||
Optional | Name, date of birth, gender, mobile phone number, email address, permanent address | Inform products and services provided by the Company and its affiliates; provide newsletters; provide information on events(text message, email, DM, TM); use marketing materials to promote collaborative events and its services; analyze information for marketing purposes; and develop services. | ||
Company name, company address, evidence material(business card) | Offer the “Starfield Office(SO) CLUB” service. | On the membership withdrawal or withdrawal of the consent for the storage | ||
Non-member management | Required | Name | Receive and handle customer inquiries and inconveniences and improve its services. | For three(3) years from the inquiry date or the duration of the legally required storage period |
Optional | Email address, phone number, password | |||
Proposal on business & investment | Required | Name, phone number, email address | Reply to the proposal on business & investment and franchising inquiries. | For two(2) years from the collected date or the duration of the legally required storage period |
Ethics report ("HOT-LINE") | Required | Name | Check and process facts upon the receipt of a report and inform the results. | |
Optional | Phone number, email address(if reply is necessary) | |||
Voice of Partner ("VOP") | Required | Name | Check and process the facts upon the receipt of VOP and inform the results. | |
Optional | Phone number, email address(if reply is necessary) | |||
Starfield app | Optional | Notification | Push notification service for the provision of information | On the deletion of the app or membership withdrawal |
Camera, gallery | Upload an evidence material when joining SO CLUB; verify its user by using a QR code. | |||
Vehicle registration plate | Use the service of "Locate My Car." |
The Company does not collect sensitive information (race and ethnicity, ideology and doctrine, political orientation, health status, etc.) that may infringe on the basic human rights of the customers.
The Company only uses the customer’s personal information strictly within its originally intended scope prescribed by the Policy on the Handling of Personal Information and does not provide it to any third party (person or company) without consent except in the following cases:
The Company may provide the following subsidiaries or affiliates with the personal information under the consent of the customers for the provision of a better service. The customers may withdraw such consent at any time.
Entity to receive information | Purpose of usage of the entity | Personal information items to be provided | Storage and usage period of the entity |
Shinsegae Inc., Gwangju Shinsegae Inc., Shinsegae Inc. | Provide members with various convenient services; inform products and services provided by each affiliate; offer information on events(text message, email, DM, TM); use marketing materials to promote collaborative events and its services; analyze information for marketing purpose; and develop services; add up all performances to provide the VIP service of Shinsegae Department Store(limited to a certain brand and customer consent to the provision of personal information to a third party). | Result value of verifying the identity of the person concerned(householder, family member), the membership card number, purchase information(date of purchase, amount purchased) | Until the withdrawal of membership or the duration of the legally required storage period |
The Company consigns the handling of personal information to the following outside agencies to provide its services.
Entrusted contents | An entrusted company |
Operate the membership service. | Shinsegae Property Inc., Starfield Hanam Inc., Starfield Goyang Inc., Starfield Anseong Inc. |
Operate & manage membership information; operate the website service. | PULIP COMMUNICATIONS Co., Ltd. |
Operate a digital marketing channel. | THE SMC GROUP Co., Ltd. |
Operate and maintain the information system; send DM; manage the registration, order, and the delivery of online products. | Shinsegae I&C, Inc. |
Provide an identity verification service. | Korea Credit Bureau Co., Ltd. |
Operate the customer and PP center for each store. | Hyosung ITX Co., Ltd., Unies Co., Ltd., Gng Line |
Deliver and manage the products ordered online. | Sales partner: (See partner) |
Deliver the products. | CJ Logistics Corp. |
Operate the security system of each store. | THE GUARDIANS, Nasa Industrial Safety, Misung S&P, Samkoo Inc Co., Ltd. |
Customers may view, delete, and withdraw their membership anytime with the following methods.
The Company has assigned an officer and a division responsible for personal information protection as below to protect the customers’ personal information and respond to inquiries, complaints, remedy measures related to their personal information.
Item | Person in charge | Name | Division/Job | Phone number | |
Shinsegae Property Inc. | Chief Personal Information Protection Officer | Jeon Sang-jin | General Manager of the Support Division | 1833-9001 | ssgproperty_privacy@shinsegae.com |
Personal Information Protection Manager | Leader of the Compliance Team | ||||
Starfield Hanam | (Store) Officer Responsible for Personal Information Protection and Management | Hanam Branch Manager | |||
Starfield Goyang | Goyang Branch Manager | ||||
Starfield COEX Mall | COEX Mall Branch Manager | ||||
Starfield Anseong | Anseong Branch Manager | ||||
Starfield City Wirye | Wirye Branch Manager | ||||
Starfield City Bucheon | Bucheon Branch Manager | ||||
Starfield City Myeongji | Myeongji Branch Manager | ||||
Centerfield | Centerfield Branch Manager |
Customers may ask for the settlement of a dispute or consultation to the Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee, Personal Information Infringement Report Center of the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA), etc. on the remedy for the infringed rights. For the report or consultation on other infringement cases, they are recommended to ask for help in the following institutions.
회사는 고객의 개인정보를 보호하기 위해 아래와 같이 기술적 대책과 관리적 대책을 마련하여 이를 적용하고 있습니다.
The Company does not collect the personal information of a child under the age of fourteen(14) who shall obtain the consent of his / her legal representative.
The Company does not transfer commercial type information without the customer's prior consent.
When sending commercial type information via email and others for the purpose of online marketing including the product guide information, the Company obtains prior consent from the customers on the sending of such information and takes the measures as below for each means, allowing the customers to recognize it easily.
Pursuant to the relevant laws, the criteria of the Company on the use or provision of the additional personal information without a customer’s consent is as follows:
Should there be information to be added, deleted and edited according to the government policies or the policies of the Company, the notification on such changes will be provided via the website at least seven(7) days before the revision.
This Policy on the Handling of Personal Information takes effect as of November 25, 2021, and the previous version will be replaced with the current version.